Wednesday, May 3, 2017

An offer to Chris...

As mentioned in the comments section to a previous post, this blog now is being referenced in reddit.

I'm having issues posting the raw FOI responses directly so will likely summarize and cut/paste sections into a future post.

In the interim, I just sent the following to Chris at BrewBot and will let you know if/when I hear from him.

Hi Chris,
The blog site: continues to get more viewers and now has been picked up by

I'm offering you another opportunity to post an unedited posting regarding BrewBot without any editorial comment by myself on this blog.

Let me know what you would like to share.

Also, anyone have any luck with communicating with anyone at BrewBot? Refunds? Updates?


  1. Create a Twitter account @brewbotanswers and use that to ask questions / get followers.

  2. Good idea. I have not been able to reach anyone

  3. This is very useful, although it will be important to help simply click that web page link:
