Monday, January 9, 2017


I'm trying to connect the Kickstarter backers of BrewBot to see if as a group, we are better able to get further information about the product, company, and what happened to our funds.

For those that don't know, a Kickstarter campaign was funded on October 22, 2013 with "381 backers pledged £114,368 to help bring this project to life."

The original promised delivery date was May, 2014 and I was backer #12 per their website.

Since that time, I have received vague sporadic updates and missed promises. Reading the Kickstarter comments and Brewbot website forum, it is clear that I am not alone.

Over the past month I have been in nearly daily email contact with Chris McClelland regarding the status of BrewBot and have not received any specific nor encouraging responses.

I hope to gather a group of backers to see if we can discover some answers to the following questions:

1) How many actual BrewBot's shipped to Kickstarter customers?
2) Where did the money go?
3) Was this a case of underestimating, mismanagement, or negligence?
4) What is the corporate structure in relation to BrewBot Belfast? Were Kickstarter funds or other operating funds used to finance this retail location?
5) Is there a plan to make these backers whole, either via actual BrewBot's or financial considerations?

At a minimum I hope to have a stronger voice from several people, but also may ask that we pursue some type of legal action depending on the level of satisfaction BrewBot provides.

If you wish to join this ad hoc group, please let me know via our email address Brewbot.answers (at) gmail (dot) com

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to all who have contacted me already. When you do reach out, please include your backer number and Country/State of residence to help me better track everyone's involvement.
    I plan to email everyone and post an update to the blog Tuesday (10 Jan 17).
